Monday, September 29, 2008


...just breath....

A few weeks ago I got an email from a "bigger company." Actually they are a BIG COMPANY but are looking to launch a new section into some of their stores that has to do with my product line. It's not a complete launch into all of their stores which is why they are just referred to as "bigger" and not BIG. But in truth, it's BIG compared to the independent retailers I'm used to working with. Anyway, they were interested in seeing some of our products so I sent along a catalogue and heard nothing. Figured the usual, nothing was really going to come of this, so didn't put too much thought into it. The other day, after a really poor night's sleep, I decided to follow up (again) with a(nother) phone call and this time I got a response in under two hours. Turns out the person I had been dealing with had been moved onto something else and I now had a new contact person. Let's just say, she's a go-getter and seems really excited to bring our products into the store.

So I went from thinking this wasn't going to happen to thinking that she may order in several thousand dollars worth of merchandise for the holiday season and while it would make it hard work given the time crunch it could be done. Then today she emailed me a preliminary list of products and quantities along with a request for samples (which are going out Express tomorrow) - let's just say that the amount she's talking about would be more than my company's total 2007 revenue.


It's exciting, it's overwhelming, it will be a logistical and operational nightmare. Then add to it that I leave on Wedns for the last of the season's tradeshows and typically come home really busy from it (though given the current economy who knows!). Regardless, I can't let this fall through the cracks. It's too good for the business. So I've sent along the information she requested and the samples as well as a reminder that all of our stuff is handmade so if she wants it by the holidays I need to get to work on it ASAP.

It's really's really overwhelming. I vacilate between focusing on it and all the moving pieces that would need to be pulled into place and going to friends' blogs so that I can stop my warpspeed brain by losing myself in someone else's world. I'm thinking that I need to stop the pain pills so that I can start drinking again. Either that or start taking more pain pills.



D said...

Ahhhh! Exciting stuff!!! Awesome :D

Anonymous said...

d- you'll get a kick out of this - it's a Canadian store. :)