Monday, September 22, 2008

Now Waiting

I sent off said email to BIG BOX today after agonizing and rewriting it all weekend. I finally had it narrowed down to a trim three lines that (hopefully!) reminded them who I was and what our product was and then (hopefully!) piqued their interest in a potential future product release. After having it checked and rechecked by multiple proofreaders (my husband and mother) I finally sent it off this morning.

Now I'm trying to keep myself calm and remind myself that I'm likely looking at a week or more before they even get back to me. Of course, the highly unprofessional part of me - the part that loves immediate gratification - is whining about how come they haven't answered my email yet, maybe I should have reworded the email, perhaps I should have approached them another way?

Yeah, as usual my lack of patience is making me a blast to be around. (then add to that the broken leg and limited mobility...don't you wish you were here!)

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