Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Big Question

Despite trying to read reassuring things into my dreams, what impact is this economy going to have on my business? My product is not a necessity - I know that clearly. And a large portion of my buyers are retailers who count on some level of credit (be it credit cards or lines of credit) to fund the spending they need to bring product into their stores. We're not there yet but at what point do you look at the economy and say that throwing money into a small business is not the best financial move. (Then again, throwing it into a big bank also doesn't seem like the best financial move.)

I won't lie, I'm a little bit scared. I'm scared about how this is going to impact the immediate short-term of my company with one of the industry's biggest tradeshows next week. I'm scared about the longterm of my business. And I'm scared that perhaps I made the wrong decsion and had I been working for a big company for the past few years out of business school at least we would have more money in the bank (again, not that that's necessarily a safe place these days, but you know what I mean). And I'm scared that if things go horribly wrong (more so then currently) that I've backed myself into a corner where I'm not highly employable especially when up against other MBAs who have been in the "outside" job market for several years.

Fun nightime thoughts...good times!

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