Thursday, September 18, 2008


I tried to find a fun picture to put with this post but as I type I'm not yet even sure what the post is going to be about. There, nothing hooks a reader like an opening like that!

First random topic - overdoing it. I think the fact I slept 11+ hours last night and could easily have gone down for a nap today is a good indication that I overdid it the last three days. My mom and I have been going nuts both in my workspace and at home getting product ready and getting orders filled and out the door. Last night I set a "we don't do anything before 9am rule" - little did I know that I wouldn't even be up by 9am! I still had a fair amount of work to do today and while I didn't get everything done I hoped to, I'm a lot more relaxed and feeling more at ease then the past three days.

Second random topic - Google Analytics. I love it. Why didn't anyone ever tell me about it with my old website? We now have it hooked into the new website and I'm simply loving the information it provides me...for free nontheless. And yes, the fact that I knew nothing about Google Analytics outs me as the technophobe that I am.

Last random topic - My business bank account. It's with WAMU. So far I have no complaints though I don't do anything but basic banking with them. However, are they going to get bought or are they going to go under? If they go under my funds are well within the 100K FDIC insurance quoto so I will be able to get my money back - but how long will it take? Is it worth the headache to move the business account, and the associated merchant account etc, to another bank? And if I make the move, how do I know that the new bank is safe? Honestly one of the things I NEVER thought I'd have to worry about as a small business owner is whether the money the business earned (aka - I sweated over and made) would be safe in a major banking institution. But then again, I never thought I'd see Merrill, AIG, and Lehman all go out one way or another in the same week. At the very least, I'm thankful not to have taken a job with one of them out of business school - not that they would have hired me anyway.

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