Thursday, September 4, 2008

To Tired to Write? What Else?

I sat down yesterday to try and add another post to this blog since I seem to find myself mentally writing blog pieces lately but not actually putting them down on paper (or would that be screen?). But after having gone into my workspace for a grand total of three hours I was just too tired. Yep, this week I've managed to do a grand total of three hours of production. Let's just say that this was not in the original plan.

I'm a great planner. I love to plan things and have spent most of this year planning exactly what I wanted to achieve at these tradeshows. Honestly 90% of my focus and attention for the past 8 months hsa been getting the company in the right position - or as right a position as I can with my experience and budget - to really blast through this holiday season. I truly believed, and still do, that this was the year we were going to simply hammer it home and, hopefully, also break even.

Of course what I didn't plan for was this broken leg which has slowed me down significantly (I can't even tell you how slow I now am not to mention how tired I get). If you ever took Operations 101 in business school then you'll know what I mean when I tell you that I am now the "Herbie" of the company. Poor slow Herbie. But like I learned in Operations (one of the few things I was able to take away from a class that was well above my skill level), I need to figure out how to reorganize things so that Herbie doesn't slow down the team. Whether that means hiring more people, coercing more family to fly in, or simply adding more hours to my workspace, I'm not yet sure, but if I really do want to hammer it home this holiday season and make my mark in my little niche of the industry then I need to come up with a proactive plan - and soon - rather than allowing myself to wallow in frustration and self pity.

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