Sunday, September 14, 2008

Shipping Central

As I type my husband is currently marching up and down the stairs bringing down boxes of product from our guest bedroom down into the living room. And once again, as tend to happens this time of year, the living room has begun to look more like a shipping warehouse then a place of rest and relaxation. As is typical for these shows, I have a bunch of orders that need to go out in the next two weeks and then there's a bit of a lull until the next group of orders has to go out closer to the holidays (which is perfect as it allows me more time to build up the necessary inventory and make sure it's ready to go).

Since I can't walk and have been told that I'm not allowed to climb our 100+ year old stairs (which apparently are so steep they no longer meet modern building code but are grandfathered in because of the age of our house) my husband and I have also reconfigured some of the dining room to make room for the printer and other necessities for the shipping process that are normally kept upstairs and out of the way.

The last part of the equation will hopefully come together tomorrow when my mom arrives in town for 2.5 weeks to help out with orders, dog walking, and general house care (yes, I truly am that incapacitated right now). I'm not sure that a "Day at the Spa" gift certificate is going to be enough to thank her for 2.5 weeks of unpaid labor. Perhaps "Month at the Spa?"

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