Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Off to Chicago

I'm headed off to Chicago and am not bringing my computer as traveling right now with the broken leg is hard enough already not to mention trying to get through security with a rod in the leg and various computer equipement in the bag (I'm good at setting off metal detectors these days!). So it may be quite around here for a few days until I get back on Monday. Unless I can sneak time at the fancy business center in my Crowne Plaza hotel!

But before I take off I thought I'd leave you with this:

Hmm, that photo didn't come out very big. So sorry. Anyway, anyone out there who is an operations person would be proud because, to ease the growing anxiety I was feeling about the feasibility of filling production for this potential "bigger" company, I built out a production schedule (on the advice of my husband who, like usual, was right - hate that he's always right!). In truth, mine is a lot prettier then the one you see above because, don't you know, looks do count. I figured if I had to devote several hours to figuring out the logistics of this potential order then it might as well look nice so I added lots of fun colors (the colors do actually coordinate to different tasks and positions - but I did pick fun colors like fuschia and magenta just to make me smile). I built out a 30 day schedule based on the initial amount said "bigger" company indicated they may be interested in and, while it may kill me, it is doable. Granted, I will be living at my production space and never see my dogs or husband, but it's not like I've been a bunch of fun to live with lately anyway so I'm not so sure my abscence would be missed by any of those parties.

Course the production plan basically assumes that all other business will stop or, at the very least, be able to be fulfilled with existing inventory. Which, if Congress doesn't get off their butt and do something about the economy in the next few days, may very well be the case as I anticipate retailers will be nervous to place orders this weekend given the state of the economy.

And just to keep things interesting - I have a phone call with BIG company next week. They are apparently interested enough that they gave me access to their vendor portal which, being the dork that I am, I just printed out to take and read on the plane.

With all of this wheeling and dealing I can sometimes see glimpses of the possibility that this business may actually go into the black at some point. Now I just have to play my cards right with all parties and get the deals done!

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