Saturday, October 11, 2008

Holding Pattern

In the last few days a bunch of things have been going on which would make you think I'd be running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. But since nothing has actually "closed" I'm sorta sitting here in an anticipatory holding pattern trying to get what can be done actually completed but not letting me get too far ahead of myself. Did that even make sense? Well, here's the rundown so you can see for yourself:

1. Our new product won an award as one of the top ten gifts to give this holiday season from an online industry publication.
2. Said publication also submitted their list to People Magazine who has asked that we send samples (which I did) so now I'm sitting here waiting and hoping that they like what they see (and slightly terrified that if they do like what that may mean from an operational standpoint).
3. Received a ceist and desist letter regarding the name of our new product from another company. Said letter is on its way over to my trademark attorney as you read this (in all honesty I'm not too worried about it - he'll either think that I am in violation in which case I can easily change the name to something that is still recognizable or he'll think that I'm not in violation and we'll go about registering the name to avoid this hassle in the future).
4. Left a message with BIG company on Friday. My contact there had told me to call her last week but the week totally got away from me so it didn't happen until Friday. Sadly I never heard back from her yesterday but in all honesty I think it was best as I wasn't functioning at my highest yesterday (I really needed coffee, but do you know how hard it is to get coffee to go when you're on crutches? Really, someone needs to invent some sort of cupholder for crutches). I hope to talk to her next week.
5. Lastly, I'm in negotiations with the bigger company regarding the order they're interested in placing. They like our stuff and want to place an order but we're going back and forth on pricing. Sadly, the item they're most interested in is the one I have the least margin on so I just don't have a ton of wiggle room before the product starts to lose money for me. So I'm waiting to hear back from her but hoping this doesn't take too long because she wants the products shipped the first week of November which, since I have to order in raw materials, is cutting it really close and is starting to make me really nervous. So I presented her with my final price yesterday and it appears as though it's being mulled over. To sweeten the deal though I did happen to mention that apparently People Magazine was interested in the product.

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