Monday, October 13, 2008

Foiled By Christopher Columbus

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that Christopher Columbus risked life and limb to find North America (though some would argue how does an individual "discover" a country that's already inhabited by Native Americans - didn't they "discover" it?). But Columbus Day just seems to be more of a pain then it's really worth. For the record, no one I know has the day off - myself included. Why the problem? Well, the problem lies in the fact that given that noone has it off, it's just not on my radar. I was completely caught off guard yesterday by the realization that mail would not be delivered or picked up today. Unfortunately I sent in my business credit card bill a few days in advance of when it was due, as usual, completely forgetting that the USPS was shut down today. As such, it appears as though I'll have a nice little late fee from AMEX. And yes, I could blame myself for not looking at a calendar and realizing a holiday was coming up but I'm going to choose to blame Christopher Columbus.

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