Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Worth It?

(sorry, small rant ahead)

I need all this craziness and hecticness to be worth it. I know in my heart of hearts it is because I'm building something from scratch and no one ever said that would be easy. But sometimes I just need the reminder that all the hard work, the not spending time with my husband and dogs, the waking up in the middle of the night with worry, the dishevieled home since that's where 50% of the packing is currently taking place, the no paycheck, and the general turning my entire family's lives upside down is worth it.

I did a very quick scan of quickbooks last night and I realized two things:
1. In the next two weeks I'm sending out the same dollar amount of revenue as I did all of last year (as such I'm exhausted and eaten alive with worry and stress)
2. At the end of the day, after the credit cards have been paid off for the year and all revenue is accounted for, I will likely break even.

Don't get me wrong, breaking even is a great thing to do and something every new business strives for. But to work this hard and not see a penny of it return to your pocket is a little tough to swallow right now as I prepare to spend another fully day in my workspace after having been woken up by eastcoast phone calls first thing this morning.

The business is definitely running me right now, running me ragged. And I just want a reminder that it is all worthwhile and will pay off in one form or another at some point.

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