Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Being More Efficient

If the company was more streamlined and more efficient I'd have more time to put down all the thoughts that are currently running through my head. But I literally don't have the time to stop. As Martygaal posted in response to my last blog post, I do need to become more efficient and figure out a way to make this business run with less "me" time actually having to be in there doing it. However, part of what makes our product so unique is the fact that it's not put together by teenagers getting $8. Trust me, I tried it and they just don't care enough to make the product look the way it should. Or they just quit (or never show up in the first place) which then puts the onus back on me. My hope is to spend some time over the holidays figuring out a way to bring on another employee or two to work with me and take some of the load off. However, it's hard to get people who want to stay, even if you pay well, if you can only offer 20-30 hours a week and I just don't think I'm at the point where I can offer more hours, especially during first and second quarter which are typically pretty slow. So I'm sort of trying to walk a fine line between finding the right person and paying them enough to make them want to stay and be motivated but also not breaking the bank on employee costs since, at some point, I'd actually like to be able to take a salary from the business...or at the very least start to repay some of the loans I wrote into the business to get it started.

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