Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ah Crap!

Thankfully other people are more organized then I am because left to my own devices lord only knows what would happen. A few weeks ago I gladly offered up some product for the Bicycle Alliance of Washington because 1. I'm a huge cyclist (well, when the leg heals) 2. I'm good friends with someone on the board and 3. Said someone also has great connections into the WA wine scene (just kidding Erin!). So my friend called and asked if I would be willing to make a donation to their silent charity auction. More than happy I said...and then it promptly slipped my mind.

The Bicycle Alliance is apparently much more organized and called me on Monday wanting to know when they could pick up the donation. "Ummm...yeah...how about towards the end of the week," I said as I desperately starting to think about what I could add to the promised gift basket. We agreed that they'll come pick it up tomorrow.

Which meant I had to run around today to pick up things like...oh, the actual basket that the gifts will go into. Since I'm in a little bit of a whining mood today I'll take a moment to whine about how what should have been a 30 minute errand ends up being a 90 minute one because I'm just so damn slow on these stupid crutches. Sometimes I wish I had actually asked for a temporary handicap tag for my car so that it wouldn't take me 15 minutes - not to mention many many explitives - to get across a parking lot. But on the plus side - my arms have never been stronger or looked better!

So I'm sitting here looking at the basket and figuring out what's going to go into it. I'm fairly confident that I'll be able to pull off something that looks pretty snazzy (she says with hope!). I'll post a picture later tonight after I get it done.

* To my Board Member friend Erin - I'm so sorry it slipped my mind. But I will get you something that will look great and hopefully raise a lot of money. If not I'll owe you a trip to Trophy AND Theo Chocolates (as well as a personal donation to the Bicycle Alliance)

1 comment:

QRgirl (erin) said...

I'm glad BAW is organized too! Thank you so much for donating the basket! It was really cute. We had a fun time at the aution. I'll fill you in on the details later.