Tuesday, November 11, 2008


It's not totally slowed down yet but I can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The big order is out (and the invoice is going to Accounts Payable via FedEx tomorrow so just 60 short days until that money is - hopefully - in my hand), and the majority of my small retail orders are out. Unfortunately I'm also literally out of product so I'm frantically making enough to get me through this week and then I'll start all over again next week. I can't say it's the most productive way of doing business but I am getting the orders out the door as promised and, at the the end of the day, that's what counts to my retailers.

I can tell it's going to be a very interesting holiday season. While on the one hand I've had more orders from smaller retailers this year then ever before (and continue to get an order or two in every day), I'm starting to see signs that retailers are nervous. I have one who's called me twice looking for suggestions on how to display the product so as to move it more quickly. Taking it a step further, I finally got paid today for a shipment that went out early September. I so VERY rarely give Net 30 terms (with the exception of this big company) and was convinced to do so by that sales rep. Let's just say I won't be making that mistake again. I'm none too pleased but at least it looks like I'm going to get paid which I was beginning to think wasn't going to happen at all.

And lastly, I heard from my old employee. Remember her - the one I LOVED despite the fact that she moved to another city. It's not certain yet but it looks like she may be headed back this way after the new year and looking for a job. I need to run some numbers and see if I can at least get her a consistent 20hrs a week as she really is a special person.

Other than that - this is going to be a busy week. Get most of the rest of the orders out or at least ready to go next week as scheduled. Contact BIG company and try to get them interested in seeing samples from my company (and if so, I need to get to work ASAP on those samples). And contact People Magazine to see where that whole process lies at the moment. Last I heard we were still in contention so - deep breath - I want to see how we're faring and when they expect that edition to launch.

I know that busy is good - very good! - in this economy especially. But this small slightly slower window to catch my breath, clean the house, actually cook a meal every so often, and play with the pups is just what I needed at this juncture to recharge my batteries.

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