Friday, November 7, 2008

And It's Gone...

Here's a picture of my shipment from one side...

and the other. What I forgot to get was a picture of my crutches up against the order because that made the entire order fulfillment process indefinitely harder.

40 boxes (which was accidently labeled as 41 and I didn't realize until partway into the process. I never was good at basic math. Or advanced math for that matter). All full of product. Customs documents filled out - hopefully correctly. NAFTA form filled out - hopefully correctly. All the other paperwork required for the shipment filled out - hopefully correctly. Now I just need to send in the invoice and wait my 60 days to get paid and hope that I didn't make too many mistakes along the way to be handed a bunch of chargebacks.

It feels great to have the shipment gone but at the same time I find myself a little anxiety ridden that some of the paperwork may not be correct and as such will have issues getting across the border since the shipment is destined for Canada. Maybe the anxiety is due to the fact that for the first time since I got the order it's actually out of my hands? Before if it didn't get done it would have been my fault. Now there are a myriad of things out of my control that could happen to it - all of which are running through my head. I think I'm just tired!

No rest for the weary though. I'm going back to work tomorrow to work on getting the orders out that need to go out next week. And apparently my company is one step closer to getting that coveted People Magazine spot. Nothing set in stone yet but we're getting closer. Both exciting and somewhat frightening. Actually, very frightening.

But for tonight I'm going to try and put all of that out of mind and just sit and relax with my better half and my pups. I've missed them.

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