Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Ring is Back On!

Don't worry, my wedding band wasn't off because due to any marital unhappiness. It's been off for the past two + weeks due to the fact that every single day has been spent working with my hands. Either producing my product, packaging my product, or putting it into the shipping boxes. The vast majority of that is now done. Just one more order to get out tomorrow and this week - this crazy, crazy week - is done. This, for me, was the week from hell. In addition to having to have the bigger order ready to be picked up (and it still waiting to be picked up) I also had several thousand $$$ worth of orders that had been placed by smaller boutiques that needed to ship out. By Sunday at 10pm I had the bigger order ready to go but didn't have anything pulled together for the week's orders. Usually by that time the week's orders are ready and waiting for FedEx. So every day this week has been a frantic attempt to make enough product, get it packaged, and get it to FedEx before the 5pm pickup. It's been frenetic and exhausting...but done.

I still have a number of orders to ship out next week but have this weekend to start to get that pulled together and ready to go out the door so I - hopefully - won't be as horribly behind as I was this past week. So the wedding band is only on temporarily until I start to prep for next week but I'm taking 24hrs or so to take a mental break and try to make headway on the piles that have taken over the dining room table. And after next week it will all start to slow down. Unless of course People Magazine comes through. Fingers crossed!

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