Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Office Space

There were only 5 things on my To Do list for today. It was deceivingly short though as #1 on that list was "clean & organize office."

About the same time QuickBooks went to hell in a handbasket (basically beginning of Q3) so did my office. The office - which is in our refinished halfbasement - not only holds my desk, printer, and other important "office" stuff, but also 90% of my packaging and my current inventory. Then toss in the washer and dryer and the three bikes that are currently wintering in the basement and it's a mighty crowded space.

Said space was made only worse when things got busy with work. Imagine all of that stuff in one space. Now imagine that a band of crazy monkeys has been allowed to roam free in the space for three to four months. That's a pretty accurate description of what it looked like. Chaos would be a nice word for it. Just to give you an idea, I had a pile of papers that was literally a foot high that needed to be filed. And I was proud of fact that they were actually all in one pile rather then spread throughout the office!

I had earmarked today as the day to get it cleaned and despite the fact the sun was actually out and shining for a few hours today (the first time we've seen the sun in about a month - I only wish I were kidding), I did head into the basement and begin the cleanup, filing, and general reorganization.

It wasn't an easy task by any means but it does feel so good to be done. Everything is filed, all packaging has been reorganized (and I now have a much better idea of what packaging I need to reorder), and all inventory is safetly stashed. You know you're getting old when a clean house/basement/office/etc makes you feel really good. Sad I know...

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