Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Blogs Blah

It's been a while - apparently one of my resolutions needs to be to update this blog more often. Sorry about that...I'm running at a real low energy lull right now.

In the meantime, since we're chatting about blogs. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can make my company's blog actually something worth reading. I feel like so many company blogs are "yeah - go us!" cheerleading that they really aren't that interesting. And there's really only so much new product info I can do. Does anyone have any ideas or have examples of company blogs they actually enjoy reading? And if not, then those times you go to a company's blog what are you looking for? Recent news? Proof of life?

1 comment:

D said...

I have 0 interest in reading companies blogs. I prefer little updates: weekly e-mails with new product/sales, or twitter... etc.

I like your blog cuz I like keeping up with you :)