Friday, March 27, 2009

There's no ME in Team

First of all, there is a ME in team - there's an M and an E so I've never really understood that saying. But it's becoming more and more evident that I just don't play well with others when it comes to work. Actually, for my actual entrepreneurship work I've built myself a perfect little situation in that I don't have to deal with the corporate BS that drove me absolutely batty at other jobs. This post (or more rightly, vent)is about work I do with a nonprofit and how the corporate BS I find myself mired in from time to time with that just makes me crazed.

Long story short and omitting any details that might give more away then necessary, some things are not getting done and deadlines are not being met by some of the paid staff at the nonprofit. I am now being asked to 'manage' that issue. I am not good at managing people. If I was I would have a fulltime staff but I don't, I have dogs, and they learn very quickly thanks to clicker training and some cheese treats. Unfortunately I don't think I'm going to be able to manage this problem with a clicker and a strip of cheese. So what will likely happen is I'm going to vex over this issue all weekend (it's already leaving a bad taste in my mouth) trying to determine the best way to get this problem on track in a positive way.

Then there's the voice in the back of my head which is telling me that this is a great way to build on my management skills so that one day when my business is large and profitable (I'd settle for just profitable right now) I can successfully manage it. I know the voice is right but that doesn't stop me from hating the fact I have to deal with this.


D said...

Please tell me you are getting paid to manage these paid staff, cuz if you're not... a clicker and strip of cheese should be your weapon of choice.

lilpups said...

no payment other than the joy of knowing I'm helping those less fortunate. (imagine the above written in pink font) :)

Katrei said...

I actually think the saying may be "There's no I in TEAM" -- or at least that way it would make more sense. :-)

Managing staff at non-profits is often even harder than in a corporate environment -- especially if you're not their boss. Crossing my fingers for you...but there's always the clicker as a fall back.