Friday, March 20, 2009

Marketing Musings

Marketing is one of those roles that anyone thinks they can do but few do it well. I'm one of those who think they can do it so there's a good chance I'm in that don't do it well camp. For example, I completely forgot that the trade publication we ran an ad in this month is also going to be handed out at the industry's biggest spring tradeshow. So just dumb luck we're in it.

But at least I don't think I'm doing as poorly as a direct mail piece we received today. As the economy has slowed we've been getting more and more direct mail pieces and the best thing is that many are for restaurants we already like or wanted to try so we're definitely utilizing the savings. However, today I received a direct mail piece from an eatery I've never heard but, at least according to them, they are a city institution. But, get this, with your purchase of an ice cream cone (apparently what they're known for) you get a free massage.

Now I'm not normally one to pass up a great ice cream cone but the thought of ice cream and massage just freaks me out. Am I the only one who doesn't think that's a good marketing combination? While I'm guessing that you probably get a certificate for a free massage for a nearby/sister company, all I keep seeing is the same guy who doles out the icecream also giving massages. Other people's skin and dairy products is almost enough to turn me off of ice cream completely. Almost...

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