Monday, February 18, 2008


One of the huge benefits of being a small company is the flexibility I have to quickly change course as options present themselves.

About a week ago I had an idea for an interesting new product that I think could be hugely successful with both retailers and customers. At the same time I received a very interesting direct mail offer. Without giving away too many details it looks like I'm going to take advantage of both by advertising said new product in this direct mail piece. Ofcourse that means that the new product will go from idea to real marketable product in a matter of five weeks. Five weeks to do all product R&D, legal and federal oversight, develop packaging, get professional photographs, and be ready to go with artwork. That's a lot on one plate while also keeping the normal course of things going but it just makes sense to me and my business advisors so we're going to work to meet the deadlines we're now facing.

If we can get it all together though it's a really, really neat new product. Then combine that with the new product line we're planning on introducing this fall and I think we've got a good mix.

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