Thursday, February 14, 2008

Company #2

A while ago I mentioned that I was working on a second new company (because, you know, one just wasn't keeping me busy enough!) and said that when it launched I'd post a link to it here. Well, we're now officially up and running so check us out online at

The reason I'm posting this company and not Business #1 is two-fold. 1. This is more of a "hobby" business (if I can say that) with a friend of mine. It was an idea that sounded good to both of us from both the product and the mission standpoint (more on the mission standpoint in a minute). But it's not a business I'm going to blog about or get wound-up about because my first love really is Business #1.
2. Part of this new company's mission is to donate 5% of sales to nonprofit animal organizations. For that reason I figured as many people as possible who see the link the better chance we have of hitting our goal of raising 10K for charity.

So check it out and let me know what you think.

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