Monday, January 14, 2008

Where is everything?

I'm getting back to work today and under the deadline of a meeting with my accountant on Wednesday so I'm trying to get the finishing touches put on my QuickBooks. The problem is that I have no idea where I put anything and right now am trying to track down bills from November. The sad thing is I know I put them someplace "safe" - but sadly, they're so safe I have no idea where they are.

On a totally different note, I just figured out how to run NPR live on my computer. I'm very excited about this as another one of my New Year's resolutions is to keep the TV off. I've found that when working by myself in the house I had a tendancy to turn the TV on in the morning to have as background noise. Not being a huge fan of TV to begin with, there was more than one day when I would realize, with horror, that I'd had the TV literally on all day. My new plan is to try and stay tuned into NPR and have that as my background noise. Unfotuantely I have no idea how to work our radio in the house (it's tied into a variety of electronic systems that I have no idea how to work) so I'm rather pleased that I've figured out how to run the NPR podcast.

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