Thursday, August 28, 2008

Some Things Have to Change

It's time to make some changes...sad as it may be to say. I used to pride myself on the fact that my company, unlike some of our competitors, would get orders out the door within a day or two and we would basically answer the business phone any time day or night. That's no longer an option. I'm still going to do everything in my power to get orders out ASAP but right now I can't do work in my workspace so I'm afraid that our inventory is going to dip down pretty low and that will increase the lead time necessary for me to get orders out. However, I'm going to do everythign I can to continue getting orders out the door quickly because that is something people have positively commented us on as opposed to some of our competitors.

However, the biggest change is that the business phone now has actual business hours. It's just not possible for me to be picking up the phone when it rings at 7am - especially since 7am finds me trying to carefully manuveur the stairs on my rear since that's the only safe way to get down our staircase. So to save my sanity I've decided we're going to be on a strict 8:30-5:30 business phone time. The good news though is that we're about 48 hours away from releasing the new website that has a really fance wholesale section to it where retailers can log in anytime day or night and pretty much get all their questions answered as well as place secure online orders. So hopefully that type of immediate access will mitigate the fact that I'll no longer be picking up the phone at all hours.

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