Friday, April 25, 2008

Thank Goodness for To Do Lists

One of the small things I'm thankful for this morning is the foresight I had yesterday to make up a long To Do List of what I'm hoping to accomplish today. I'm sitting here looking at it this morning - after a morning swim practice which means I'm never really fully awake - and realizing that I would have forgotten at least half this stuff. And it's all stuff that needs to get done today. Thankfully it's turning into a nice day here in the Northwest so I can get down to work on the dining room table and the dogs can hang out on the porch and enjoy the slices of sunshine.

And I should add, yesterday after having a small fit about how much I've been spending on the business I ended up getting the 500 direct mail postcards in the mail (the other 12,000 are being sent out directly from the company). Wow - they turned out incredibly well! I can't stop looking at it and I swear it hasn't hit me that what I'm seeing on the postcard is actually my company and my products! I did spend some time yesterday afternoon stuffing the postcards into the 500 envelopes I had the foresight to address so I'm thinking I should put the dogs to work and have them lick the envelopes closed.

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