Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ode to Office Max

In truth it should be an ode to Office Max, Fedex Kinkos, UPS, and all those other businesses without whom I don't know how I would manage. Closest to my heart truly is Fedex Kinkos and thankfully there one just up the road from me that's open 24 hours. It's a beautiful thing and I seem to spend a decent amount of time there.

They have all the equipment that makes life as an entreprenuer easy. I can print things out in full 4-color on powerful laser printers that would cost me several thousand not to mention not fit up my stairs to my office. I can get everything and anything laminated - who doesn't want to laminate! But best of all is the fact that they have all the latest Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator software which means I can play graphic designer to my heart's content. At $18/hour it is significantly cheaper than laying out the cash for both of those programs on my own and it also gives me just the slightest bit of outside world contact on the days when the only time I talk is when I beg the dogs to stop digging up the yard.

Have I mentioned how much I love photoshop and illustrator? I sometimes wish I was a graphic artist but, truthfully, I do not have the right talents to be a success in that industry. More frighteningly though, I have just enough knowledge to be dangerous with both of those. So much fun trying to be creative!

I figure if I could just talk my local FedEx Kinkos to install a coffee shop I could probably stay there all day. Figuring that this is Seattle you would have thought that they would have already installed one!

Speaking of coffee shops, tomorrow I'm interviewing my first potential new employee in...a coffee shop. I'll let you know how it goes.

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