Friday, November 6, 2009


I realize blogs are far more interesting if people who 'own' them actually write something from time to time. And I realize that I'm guilty of not doing that. What can I say, it's been busy. Very very busy. The second of the two big orders is slowly getting pulled together. I have 80 more units to make on Tuesday which - figuring that I need 1200 total - shows I've made some decent headway. Then this weekend is going to be a glory of getting all those units packed in their pretty little boxes and ready to go. The labels I was waiting on showed up yesterday so now I can finish the packaging and then last night I finally got around to ordering the shipping boxes I'll need to pack all of this into and those should get here on Tuesday. So I have an exciting few days planned out. A weekend of packaging, Tuesday back in my workspace for production, Wedns finish packaging and get everything into its boxes. My hope is to have every thing ready to go on Wedns when I can officially tell the store it's ready for freight pickup and if luck is on my side they will come by and pick it up either on Thursday or Friday of next week. Then it's out of my hands and I can finally get a good night's sleep. And a margarita (or three).

If you don't have any plans and have a burning desire to do some packaging this weekend feel free to swing on by. I'd love to offer you a place to stay as well but right now the entire guest room and basement is filled with product so I'll have to apologize for being a crappy hostess. Though I am planning to make some individual chocolate mint tortes later today (simply because I'm craving them) so I can offer that instead!

1 comment:

D said...

How bout I don't come down there and you mail me the tortes?