Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Quiet Zone

I have officially entered "The Quiet Zone" - that time when most of the work of getting ready for the Fall is done but right before the true Fall buying season actually begins. So it's quiet...very very quiet. Even quieter now that my computer decided to try it's hand at death by motherboard so it's off getting fixed. This has all left me with a lot of time to think. Nothing good can come from that as right now I'm managing to worry myself into a frenzy that no one is going to be going to the shows, no one is going to be buying at the shows, etc etc etc.

One thing I was thinking about this morning during my run (more of a walk but who's counting) was whether one has a responsibility to earn a certain amount. Let's see if I can make this make sense. And for the record, I'm talking more in the philosophical sense here rather than my exact situation. For example, if an entrepreneur starts up a business that, let's say, after expenses pays him/her $50K is it irresponsible to keep working at said business (assuming no projections for growth) if that person could be making $100K working for someone else? And by irresponsible I mean to the "family unit" - so that said person is making another member of the family carry more of the finacial burden.

Of course there are the intristics that come with being an entrepreneur - things like being able to "work from home" while waiting for the plumber to come fix a leak or having the flexibility to take the dogs to yet another vet appointment. Do those intrinsics help offset the lower income?

I guess my question really lies in the difference between being a lifestyle-oriented entreprenuer and a business-oriented entreprenuer. This is not to say that the lifestyle entreprenuer doesn't work incredibly hard, but comes to a point where they are content that their company will never have an IPO and make them a millionaire because of the flexibility/freedom and other lifestyle perks the business offers them. The business entreprenuer is more focused on making it to the $10M revenue number so they can sell the business and either a) retire to their own private island somewhere or b)start up another company. And if you started out thinking you were one type and then find yourself switching to another is that ok?


D said...

I was having a similar inner-struggle this morning. I've never been happier in my job right now, but I'm barely scraping by (and that $1500 car bill I came home to nearly made me throw up... good think I have parents).


Top Dog said...

I hear you D - the $800 to fix my computer had me hyperventilating. Love what I do but I wish it came with a paycheck....any paycheck...