Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This is your brain

This is your brain on 9 hours of incredible 100+degree heat. In case you haven't heard all the whining coming from the northwest quadrent of the US - the Pacific Northwest is going through a record heatwave and we are woefully inept at dealing with it. I've lived on the east coast and midwest and while I know it can get much much hotter (and more sticky humid) in both of those places - both of those have one thing we up here lack, air conditioning!

My workspace is unbearably hot. Take the 95degree outside temp, turn on about 6 ovens, multiple equipment, stuff it full of people, and take away any ventilation and you essentially have my workspace. It felt markedly cooler to step from the workspace out into the 95degree heat.

As soon as my brain forms back into something that doesn't resemble pudding I'll write about the business again. Lots going on right now...just heat-hampered brain.

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