Thursday, July 16, 2009

Burning through the reserves

Nothing like spending upwards of $1500 in the course of two hours to feel like you're really burning through the company's cash reserves. Sadly, none of it was frivolous stuff. It was all boring grown-up company stuff that I needed. Mainly parts, pieces, etc to help me create my products. And since I'm trying to do a much better job this year of building up a larger inventory - just in case, for example, I break my leg again a week before the busy season begins in earnest. I'm trying to be better prepared this time around. But to be prepared means I need those parts and pieces so I was a spending fool earlier this week.

All of which then had me up in the middle of the night worrying about our cash position and whether there's enough cash in the business to cover all fixed costs through the end of the year assuming no actual sales between now and then. Nothing like midnight angst to make for a really good night's sleep.

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