Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Surrounded By Bad News

I sometimes imagine that bad news is like a tornado that moves through people's lives, missing some this time round while swirling violently around others. Somehow I find myself in the eye of that tornado right now. I've got bad news coming in from the home front, bad news from friends in the industry, and of course so much bad news on tv that I've just stopped watching the news altogether. And yet, wierdly enough, just like how experts say that at the eye of the tornado everything is calm, things with the business are going far better then anticipated. I honestly thought that I wouldn't have any sales for the first half of the year but sales are still coming in. Perhaps even more interesting is the serious inquiries from some BIG companies about private label which could add a ton to my bottom line. Now those aren't totally solidified yet but these are BIG companies who have reached out to me rather than the other way around so it at least shows they're genuinly interested in what we can deliver to them.

But yet being in the eye of the tornado makes it feel like I'm constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. I'm waiting for something to happen that will force this little company to struggle as much - or more - then others in the industry. And it's hard to have friends in the industry complain to me about how poor sales are while at the same time we're doing at least as well as we were this time last year. I almost feel guilty that we're doing OK.

Not to say the tornado won't hit us, it's near and I can feel it. But I'm hoping to keep it at bay with a combination of drastic cost cutting (I just cut down my workspace time for the month of February in addition to January to save money) and positive thinking. Or at the very least keep myself busy enough with a variety of projects that I don't feel the tornado hovering just behind my shouldar.

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