Wednesday, January 28, 2009

David vs. Goliath

No, I'm not talking about the basement reorganization project though that definitely is a very very large Goliath. I'll be doning my slingshot for that battle - aka, the paintbrush - next week. Or at least I hope to because Lowe's is antsy to get the carpet installed.

Instead, I'm talking about me going up to these BIG companies and trying to walk the walk and talk the talk so that they think I can even compete in their arena. I just sent an email off to one BIG company who has expressed interest. For the record to send the email and associated attachment I
1. created the attachment at my dining room table with my husband's help
2. pestered my husband until he turned the attachment into a .pdf using his work software
3. wrote the email while sitting at my dining room table with one dog pawing at my lap
4. fretting about the email while petting the needy dog
5. sent it off with a silent prayer

I've worked in big and BIG companies before and I can tell you that in the course of my days there I never experienced such angst over one simple email. But the email is off and the samples go out tomorrow or Friday (at $50+ a package in order to get there no later then Monday as required). While on the one hand I'd appreciate if BIG company, upon looking at the attachment, just told me now that they can't use the product and save me the sample shipping cost. But in reality I hope not to hear from them for at least a week. It will let me believe, if for only a few days, that what I presented them with is not so totally off target and that they may actually be viably considering it.

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