Monday, May 17, 2010

Still Here...

Just busy lately. It seems like everything collided last week what with numerous doctor's visits (just routine stuff), dog vet visits (not so routine but it's all looking good), and work. Busy busy busy. Truthfully it makes me very glad I didn't get that job at the zoo or I'd have been pulling my hair out by now.

The biggest focus of last week was getting the professional photos picked up and then working on them to get them in the formats I needed to send them over to some catalogues. A couple catalogues the pictures are being looked at and then if they like what they see they'll ask for samples. One of the other catalogues is one that I'm currently working with and they needed the pictures ASAP to start working with as they are already working on their holiday catalogues. So I've been busy trying to get all the right pieces going to the right contacts, keeping everyone happy, and trying to lure a couple catalogue companies further down the road of realizing that my products are something they just simply can't do without.

I'm also trying to get ready for my first Farmers Market next week. I'm working on a list of all the pieces I need and the list is growing expodentially every day. Thankfully I've managed to secure most stuff from friends if I didn't already have it so I'm holding down costs on this which is key because I just don't know how well my stuff is going to do in a venue like this. I could also use some stellar weather because that always helps farmer's market sales so if you could send some my way a week from Thursday from about 1-7pm it would be greatly appreciated.

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