Monday, April 12, 2010

How Fast Is Too Fast?

One of the things I LOVE about running a small business is how nimble that makes me. If I get an idea in my head (like the one that requires the sewing machine which just arrived today - up next, photos of me having managed to sew my fingers together on accident) I lack any sort of patience and NOW!!! That's one of the personality traits that didn't make me aptly suited for a large corporate environment.

Now that obviously has it's downside with regards to the fact that it perhaps doesn't allow me ample time to think through all the pros and cons, do all the necessary cost analysis, determine various marketing and distribution opportunities, etc etc. On the flip side though, I'm able to move quickly when I see a need, try to beat other folks to market, and with regards to companies that have to make buying decisions several seasons in advance - get a product to them early enough to be considered.

As an example, today I received a catalogue from a company I'm familiar with but isn't necessarily at the top of my radar for a variety of reasons. In flipping through the catalogue I realized that they're starting to reach out to areas similar then mine - and infact are currently offering a product by a direct competitor. So in the matter of 2 hours I found the name of the individual I need to send samples to, put together a sample, and put together a cover letter. It's heading out via FedEx tonight in the hopes that it arrives in time for consideration for their 2010 Holiday catalogue.

I realize that perhaps I've not been as methodical as I should have - and as I was trained in bschool - but in my mind the upside of being picked up by the catalogue outweighs any downside.

I know not everyone is like this. A good friend of mine runs a company and is much much much more thoughtful about every step she takes with her business. I sometimes am very envious of her patient approach to growing the business step-by-step. But I've also seen her miss very real opportunities simply because she didn't move quickly enough and that is something I couldn't live with. Sometimes I think that if we could combine both my impatience and her methodical approach we might have the perfect businesswoman.

What do you think? For a small business is it better to be the jackrabbit or the tortoise?

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