Monday, June 22, 2009

Pre Vacation Thoughts

The countdown is on. The town car is coming to pick us at in 8 hours and my clothes are currently in a giant heap on the floor. So it's official - vacation time.

More or less everything on the to do list did get done. Except surprise I pushed that one off. And I still have to do "Pack for Trip." I was very excited earlier today to figure out how to put an "Out of Office" message on my email inbox so I can look all legit and what not. And I have a good friend looking over the rest of the emails that come in should something need immediate attention.

So since there's not a lot to write about business wise I thought I'd share two very random thoughts with you for sheer entertainment value.

1. Here is my new travel love:

Yes, the Amazon Kindle. Love It! Let's just say that this slim little devil, that weighs maybe 8oz, currently holds 20 books to keep me entertained on what is going to be a very very very long flight tomorrow. Really the flight starts tomorrow and ends on Thursday morning. So I've got lots of reading time penciled in. I borrowed it from my mom and used it for the first time yesterday on my flight back from Wyoming (where my dogs are currently holed up with my parents while I travel - howling with the coyotes from what I've been told) and just got so sucked into the book I started that I didn't even notice that I was reading an electronic thingy-mi-gig and not a book. In fact the flight attendent had to come over and ask me to "turn off your book" which is just not something I ever thought I'd hear anyone say. So excited. As is my better half as this means it'll keep me from bothering him profusely for the entire trip and it means he doesn't have to carry 50lbs of books to keep me company.

Secondly, I was going to bring some knitting with me for the flight but figured that may be more hassle then it's worth. But I did finish that really cute strawberry hat I mentioned before and it is honestly even cuter in person. So I was ecstatic to find out that my friend Lisa is having a baby girl later this year so I can send it to her because it's just too cute. I was also thinking of perhaps knitting a pumpkin one with orange and green to see how that turns out. If I got really crafty I could probably also make it into a jack-o-latern. So I've got some fun projects waiting for me when I get home. And Lisa may end up with years worth of baby hats. Lisa - send me your address via facebook. :)

I'm off folks. Cookies to bake (for dessert) and clothes to pack. See you on the other side.


Unknown said...

First and most importantly I LOVE your blog. I came to it through a post on Slowtwitch and really enjoy reading it. Actually enjoy it so much I set it up as an RSS feed. Anyway, couple of thoughts. You probably won't read this til you get back so hope you had a wonderful vacation. I know the problem as I run my own business. I stress SO much about vacation then I go, recharge and wonder what I was so stressed about. Secondly, I too LOVE my Kindle. It is the greatest thing since sliced bread! I find I read and enjoy a lot more with it although I am not sure why. Lastly, Quickbooks. I am a part time CFO. I handle Quickbooks for a living for small high tech companies. Of course like you my Quickbooks are always three months behind. The cobblers children have no shoes and all. One observation though is that although you may always have a "feel" for how your business is going you never really know until you get it on paper in a P & L. It is a really important discipline and may be worth paying someone a little bit each month to do it for you if your business size warrants. Not meant a criticism, just an observation from someone in the biz. Anyway, hope the break was worth it and re-entry not too stressful.

Top Dog said...


Thanks so much for your lovely post. And certainly no criticism taken re: Quickbooks - I know it's my week spot and something I'm working on changing but there always seems to be something more "fun" to do (no offense to the accountants out there). :) Right now the biz is too small for a bookkeeper but it would be something I'd happily outsource in the future as we grow b/c it's just like pulling teeth for me to get to do it in a timely manner.