Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ball O Stress

The Zen Calm is officially gone. I have become...

ok - so apparently that's what you get when you put "stressed bunny" into google images. Yes, I am a little stress bunny. Vacation - ironically - always does that to me because I'm somehow convinced that my little business world will fall apart in my abscence. I realize that's not likely...but that doesn't stop me from writing three pages worth of to-do's. I wish I was joking but I'm not. It's three pages long right now.

Maybe if I had one of these I wouldn't be so stressed:

Ironically - you also get this picture when you put those same words into google images.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I don't know...bunnies aren't the best pet for stress relief. They're not loving like dogs or cats are, as cute as they may be. Or at least, my pet bunny wasn't when I was a kid. It just wanted to be out of its cage & be wild. :-)