Thursday, May 21, 2009

Not Quite The Day I Had Planned

I'm one of those 'list' people who write up lists because a)I can't remember a darn thing without it and b)I derive great satisfaction from crossing things off said list. So I had my list all ready to go for today and then it got blown to bits. My eldest dog got violently ill last night so this morning consisted of taking her to the vet where they could inject her with 500cc's of saline to get her hydration back up to par and the afternoon was spent cleaning the floors and taking the lower floor area rugs to get $400 worth of cleaning done to them. Nuff said, right? Thankfully she seems to be doing better.

During this massive afternoon cleaning spree I have had time to think some about my goal to get more direct customers this year rather than simply rely on wholesale sales. I'm slowly starting to build up a little direct customer database, will be adding a newsletter feature to my website soon that should help, and even signed up to possibly participate in a local juried show which may either prove to be successful or a huge waste of time. But at $175 at least it's not a huge waste of money! However, I was wondering at what point it makes sense to have a catalogue printed up? I'm having one made up for the wholesale end of things and am debating whether I should have one made up for the consumer side as well. Don't get me wrong, it wouldn't be mailed out to a random bought database of names, just to those who's names I've collected in my database. While on the one hand I know that a lot can be achieved through email marketing, I also sort of think that a catalogue makes the products/company seem more "real" then simple email marketing. And I have some really great looking photos that just jump off the page. However, if I plan on adding new products in Spring 2010 then won't the catalogue quickly go out of date? And will I actually use a minimum run of 250 catalogues before that point in time?

What do you guys think?

1 comment:

Ultragrrl said...

Catalogs are so tactile, I love them. I get excited when I get them in the mail. You could easily use up 250 just by sending to people who have already bought from you and offering them on your website. People will sign up for a catalog before they will buy sometimes. You could put together a really beautiful one that would be fun to look at multiple times. Offer them on your FB ad and page. Twitter that you have them available.

Think about if it is possible to create a standard set of pages and just do redesign of a page or two for new products. The standard offerings you have now then an additional page or two with new offerings. Could be used for seasonal as well. The printing might cost less if you only have to set up the new pages for the new print run and not the whole catalog.

I'm sure I can think of some other distribution ideas. I'll let you know if anything comes to me.