Tuesday, February 3, 2009

That damn tornado

The bad news tornado touched down today - twice. Not with regards to the business but to the one thing closer to my heart then anything else, my family. I've alternatively spent the day crying and seething in anger. For the two triathletes who read this blog with any regularity, I'm leaving now to try and get a workout done in the hopes it makes me sleep tonight despite the fact that sometimes going to the gym and realizing I can't yet do anything I used to do pre-leg break just wants to make me cry. Yeah, I'm sure this workout will go down as one of my better. And to make this a business related post - let me say that another great thing about working for yourself is the ability to just decide to call it a day at 1:30pm because you feel like you've already taken enough lumps.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better and provide a little more clarity on what we have going on here. In the meantime, I hope the tornadoes are staying far away from you.


QRgirl (erin) said...

Just curious if you count me as a triathlete? I dont feel like one, but it's coming back. I swam at my dinky little pool tonight and tried to pretend I was you. I can make it across the pool in 9 strokes. That's not a testimate to my swim skills, but to the pool size.

I hope your workout helped you feel better and that the tornado doesn't strike three times.


Anonymous said...

Trust me, you're a triathlete. You bike, you run, you...think about swimming. Isn't that what all triathletes do. :)

Are you getting excited for IMC?