Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sick Day

Blah - that's how I'm feeling. I can't put my finger on something exactly being wrong other than just general blahness.

In truth I think that this is my body decompressing after a very very busy season. This is the first day that I haven't had a ton of work to do. Since I'm leaving on Friday for a trip I dropped off my inventory and operations manual with my parents (yep - a small company so I have to rely on my folks to take care of stuff while I'm gone!) and now I'm back home trying to tie together a few business loose ends before taking off.

And I think that because I don't necessarily have a ton of stuff on my plate for the first time in literally months my body has decided to take a little time to catch up.

So yeah, I feel blah. But I do need to get a few more things done so hopefully I can get myself off the couch after this episode of the Hills is over (c'mon - what do you watch when you're home sick?).

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